Thursday, September 11, 2008

Read about Library 2.0...

It's not all fun and a simple...
The library 2.0 movement strikes me as being a sensible transition and further embracement of contemporary Information Technology tools, as well as attitudes. I like the terminology included in the literature which describes Library 2.0 as being in a state of "perpetual beta" because it is constantly being tested, as well as altered.

I appreciate and embrace the notion that "the active and empowered library user is a significant component of Library 2.0" by co-creating, building, consulting and participating. Collaboration in its truest sense! I'm also amenable to ideas that "library services have the ability to evolve and improve on a constant and rapid basis [using Library 2.0]".

As with all IT and information literacy in contemporary times, access to technology, as well as matters related to privacy and security require ongoing review and consideration. As with some critics, I also offer constructive criticism, by cautioning against introducing change and technologies, simply for the sake of change. It's important to pro-actively conduct preliminary analysis and feasibility assessments, to consider the perceived value of services; and to establish strategic action plans related to technology innovation.

It's becoming more challenging, but I like the continual efforts to aggregate data; and recent customer involvement in this process. A final observation, despite all of the advances, it's perhaps reassuring for industry professionals that the "emphasis on the library as keeper [and organiser] of reliable information will [certainly] prevail".

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